"Building on her strong interests in social welfare and her depth of knowledge regarding classic Indian yoga, Leigh Leibel has embarked on a novel and possibly paradigm shifting project at Columbia University Medical Center where I am the Medical Director of the Chemotherapy Infusion Center. She is designing a Yoga Therapy program for cancer patients undergoing cancer treatments with the goal of improving their experience, ameliorating toxicities, avoiding harsh and expensive pre-medications, and very possibly lowering the incidence of cancer recurrence. Her approach is novel and based in the Infusion Center while patients are actively undergoing treatment. To date, the patients describe an awesome experience and clamor for her time on subsequent visits. It is clear to me that Leigh is striking "gold" and I have come to believe she is a pioneer in changing the way we manage our cancer patients. I applaud her innovative therapy and I am very excited to have her at Columbia. Her efforts are spawning new ideas for cancer research and I believe she deserves kudos for illuminating an inexpensive life style program that has the potential for markedly improving cancer therapy and outcomes. Bravo!"  - Greg Mears, MD, Professor of Medicine, Columbia University Medical Center

“Aside from the incredibly useful yoga and meditation techniques, your positive demeanor always gives me a lift in spirits. Hearing from and being in your presence is so refreshing! Always know that you have a profound impact on my journey at Columbia!” - MC, New York City.

"My late wife, Helene, and I met Leigh under a very stressful unfortunate period of time in our lives. Helene was suffering from metastatic breast cancer and it was at a stage where she was doing very poorly. We were recommended by our social worker to meet with Leigh who would help us to meditate and to calm us down druing this stressful period. Leigh was a saint. She spend endless amount of hours with Helene and myself, teaching us how to meditate, breath properly and relax. Leigh's techniques turned out to be extremely beneficial for both my wife and myself. They truly added many quality moments to our lives. Helene passed away a few weeks ago. Leigh has been there and been very supportive in this healing period. She has become not only my teacher but also a strong friend in time of need."  - MB, New York City.

"As a bereavement counselor I have been trained to cope with the emotional needs of those in crisis. However when I was diagnosed with breast cancer, I was the one in need of help. Thankfully I found Leigh Leibel and her remarkable Meditative Yoga class. Through her love and patience, and her life long practice of yoga, each class brings me a fuller sense of good health and energy, each class is helping me to be better."  - DP, New Canaan, Connecticut.

"Leigh is truly a fairy on earth. She has this amazing, electric, and contagious energy that she spreads to anyone she is around. It is a blessing to be in her presence!  I met Leigh when I was 21. She introduced me to yoga and my life changed forever. Leigh understands and accepts everyone for their uniqueness. She is an amazing teacher on and off of the mat!"  - AH, Santa Clara, California.

"I have known Leigh since 2015 when I was a patient in the chemotherapy department at Columbia Presbyterian Hospital.  She visited me once a week for a period of two months.  During that period of time through her knowledge of yoga, she was able to teach me how to relax through breathing exercises.  I continue to do them at home.  They have helped me release day-to-day stress.  She has given me a valuable tool. Leigh's calmness, positive attitude, and sweet disposition all helped me make my chemo sessions easier in a difficult situation."   - EK, Brooklyn, NY.

"As a yoga novice, I wondered about the benefits I would derive from this unfamiliar experience. Leigh made the experience transformative for me. I learned how to find the complete, restorative relaxation necessary for healing both my mind and body. I looked forward to every session!"  - KB, Stamford, Connecticut.

"I have to tell you I used the technique you taught me to calm my mother down. I put her on the couch with legs up and made her breathe deeply. She was having A-Fib and it calmed her down and got rid of it! She didn't even realize it until I asked if she still felt it! You are truly amazing - what a gift! I told her to try this to calm herself and de-stress. She thinks you're amazing ... Just saying. Have a beautiful weekend!"  - KT, Stamford, Connecticut.

"Seeing you always gives me a lift."  -DC, Forestburgh.

"I am so grateful for everything you have done for us. You took us under your wing with no hesitation and gave us such an experience that I will always carry with me. I'm so happy that our paths crossed and we met because you have taught me so much. You are truly amazing at what you do."  - Intern from New Canaan High School.

"I cannot thank you enough for making my internship at Columbia one of the greatest experiences ever. You made every day at the hospital interesting, exciting, and educational. I feel like I learned a year's worth of schooling in just 6 visits! This was such a unique opportunity and I know I got a lot out of it, not only did I learn more about yoga and meditation, but I also learned how to adjust to the intense environment at a hospital. And who knows, maybe I'll decide to become a doctor one day. Your guided meditations were fantastic, and I have no doubt in my mind that they had an impact on the patients and inspired them. I'm really going to miss working with you at Columbia and we definitely want to find times in the future to come back in."  - Intern from New Canaan High School.

"Leigh, I want to capture the beauty of what you bring to the world in words. You transform one of the darkest, scariest places we pray we will never have to go, the largest oncology ward in Upper Manhattan.  Either as a patient or a caregiver of someone going through treatment, you offer support mentally, physically and emotionally.  You offer unconditional care and skillful ways to balance the body and mind to enable patients and their caregivers to face pain and fear with an expansive mind.  You offer the gift of connecting directly to our common humanity that celebrates the tenderness, resilience and power of the human spirit."  - Michelle Limantour, Community Mindfulness Project, New Canaan, CT.

"I want to express my deep gratitude for your help. Your kindness and generosity has been amazing. You are a lovely person and I'm so glad we connected. You've made such a positive impact in my recovery."   - K.G., Englewood, New Jersey.

"Being around you calms me down. Love you Leigh!"   - E.K., NYC

"You are so beautiful, I am so intensely moved by your gifts (you share), sweet Leigh. May your love bring peace and inspire self love in many."  -RK, Spain/Bronx, NY.